
Gy6 150cc clutch set??include clutch Assembly and Variator Assembly with 743 belt, fit for GY6 125cc And 150cc 4-Stroke Engine Scooter ATV Taotao Roketa Sunl

Gy6 150cc clutch set??include clutch Assembly and Variator Assembly with 743 belt, fit for GY6 125cc And 150cc 4-Stroke Engine Scooter ATV Taotao Roketa Sunl

SKU LHQ.10109 Clutch-GY6 -001 Category Tags ,


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Save your choice time: A clutch kit that meets your driveline needs eliminates the time and effort required to find the right model (and the risk of buying the wrong model).
You will get: 1*clutch Assembly 1*Variator Assembly 1*Gates 743 belt, You only need to confirm the corresponding engine or model. These three parts are applicable in sets.
High quality clutch:19 Splines Inside The Clutch Drum/Bell OD of Drum: 136mm??ID of Drum: 125mm ID of spline area: 14.4mm??Pulley Diameter: 140mm??Fits GY6 125cc and 150cc 4-Stroke Engine
The Belt is made of high heat-resistant and high-strength materials??Belt key parameter 743x20x30, Premium belt provides longer durability for applications.
Variator Assembly for gy6 150cc??Roller Size??18*14mm Drive Face Size:Spline Shaft 19 teeth; Diameter 117mm; Hole Diameter 15mm Variator Size:Diameter 108mm ; Variator Pin Length:52mm; Variator Pin OD 24mm ID 15mm??Fit GY6 125cc&150cc 152QMI 157QMJ Engine Gy6 150cc high performance clutch set with 743 belt
Jog 90cc clutch set with 788 belt
Gy6 150cc clutch set with 842 belt
Gy6 150cc high performance clutch set with 842 belt
GY6 125cc And 150cc 4-Stroke Engine Scooter ATV Taotao Roketa Sunl
50cc 90cc 2 Stroke 1PE40QMB 1E50QMF Minarelli Jog Engines
GY6 125cc And 150cc 4-Stroke Engine Scooter ATV Taotao Roketa Sunl
GY6 125cc And 150cc 4-Stroke Engine Scooter ATV Taotao Roketa Sunl
1*clutch Assembly 1*Variator Assembly 1*Gates 743 belt,
1*clutch Assembly 1*Variator Assembly 1* 788 belt
1*clutch Assembly 1*Variator Assembly 1* 842 belt
1*clutch Assembly 1*Variator Assembly 1*842 belt
Belt key parameter
Variator Assembly Size
Roller Size??18*14mm Drive Face Size:Spline Shaft 19 teeth; Diameter 117mm; Hole Diameter 15mm Variator Size:Diameter 108mm ; Variator Pin Length:52mm; Variator Pin OD 24mm ID 15mm
Rollers For 49cc/50cc or Some 90cc Minarelli Jog 1PE40QMB 2 Stroke Engines??The 21mm variator has 15 teeth ??Specification:Washer: SplinesCenter Hole of the Fan: 16mm;21mm x 39mm Bushing
Diameter 108mm ; Variator Pin Length:52mm; Variator Pin OD 24mm ID 15mm??Fit GY6 125cc&150cc 152QMI 157QMJ Engine Roller Size??18*14mm
Roller Size??18*14mm ?? Variator Size:Diameter 108mm ; Variator Pin Length:52mm; Variator Pin OD 24mm ID 15mm
Gy6 50cc clutch set with 669 belt
Gy6 50cc high performance clutch set with 669 belt
Gy6 150cc clutch set with 743 belt
GY6 50cc Engine Scooter
GY6 50cc Engine Scooter
GY6 125cc And 150cc 4-Stroke Engine Scooter ATV Taotao Roketa Sunl
1*clutch Assembly 1*Variator Assembly 1* 669 belt
1*clutch Assembly 1*Variator Assembly 1* 669 belt
1*clutch Assembly 1*Variator Assembly 1* 743 belt
Belt key parameter
Variator Assembly Size
Roller Size??16*13mm ??Fit GY6 QMB139 50cc Scooter Moped ATV
Roller Size??16*13mm ??Fit GY6 QMB139 50cc Scooter Moped ATV
Roller Size??18*14mm Drive Face Size:Spline Shaft 19 teeth; Diameter 117mm; Hole Diameter 15mm Variator Size:Diameter 108mm ; Variator Pin Length:52mm; Variator Pin OD 24mm ID 15mm