Big Bore Front Hydraulic Caliper

Big Bore Front Hydraulic Caliper

SKU 5410 MCP650 Category Tag


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These calipers are commonly used on Micro Sprints, Mini-Sprints, Racing Go Karts, Recreational Go Karts, Quarter Midgets, Mini-Cup cars, Jr. Dragsters, Racing Lawn Mowers, Racing Barstools, and hundreds of motorsports applications.
Features one 1″ Bore Piston
Used with .125″ thick rotors
Mounts with bracket that is included. This 1.75″ wide bracket is designed to be welded on, but can be drilled and bolted on as well. It can also be unbolted from the caliper and turned around so this caliper can be used on the left or the right
Features Ethyl Propylene (EP) seals, which allows it to be used with Dot 3, Dot 4, or Dot 5 brake fluid
Measures 2 3/4″ L x 2 3/8″ W x 1 3/4″ H
Anodized Black
Brake Pads are Included
Converting, switching a caliper from Right to a Left Hand Version (or vice-versa)
Flip the Bracket
Flip the Valves
? Bleeder Valve must be on top!
*Use Tephlon Paste Only to seal valves into caliper