
9612 Mastertorque Starter , Black

9612 Mastertorque Starter , Black

SKU QDMD.09320 9612 Category Tags ,


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Package Dimensions: 14.223 H x 32.004 L x 18.796 W (centimeters)
Fit type: Vehicle Specific
Country of Origin : United States
Package Weight: 12.1 pounds Product Description

Power master builds several types of starters for most applications from 160 – 260 ft. -lbs. , including gas and diesel engines. Power master also manufactures a great line of performance alternators to fit any need. From 120 amp to 350 for competition use, Power master has the right alternator for your vehicle. You can get Power master starters, alternators, brackets, pulleys and all the parts your electrical system could need for your vehicle.