
2008 Polaris Sportsman 500 CVT Drive Clutches with Belt (Matching Pair)

2008 Polaris Sportsman 500 CVT Drive Clutches with Belt (Matching Pair)

SKU LHQ.11140 1322684, 1322682, 1321874 Category Tags ,


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ITEM ID #332750
Purchase and End Use Terms
Please Inspect Item upon receipt
We have a full 100% Money Back Return Policy, If you are unhappy for any reason. Or find any damage.
Ebay Seller (Partsnewandused) Declares the item as used and therefore does not meet factory specifications. This may Result in the Malfunction of the
parts or the vehicle. The Buyer takes full responsibility for installation and for circumstances that may arise do to use of this part (s) . The buyer agrees to use part (s) at their own risk.
All used items are working “unless stated as not working or for Parts Only .”
If you purchase a item and give your own full inspection and find its “not as described by us” we offer a full refund or exchange, including pre-paid postage.
If you purchase a item and “make a mistake, wrong year or fitments”,or change your mind “we offer a full refund minus any