Some Reasons A Golf Cart Starter Motor Won’t Start
1. Dead Battery:
The most common cause of a golf cart starter motor not starting is a dead battery. Make sure the battery is fully charged and properly connected.
2. Faulty Wiring:
Check the wiring for any signs of corrosion or damage, and replace any broken or damaged wires.
3. Bad Starter Motor:
If the wiring is all good, the starter motor itself may be bad. Try replacing it with a new one to see if that solves the problem.
4. Broken Solenoid:
The solenoid is responsible for sending power from the battery to the starter motor. If it is broken, it won’t be able to send the power and the motor won’t start.
5. Clogged Fuel System:
If the fuel system is clogged, there won’t be enough fuel getting to the engine to start it. Clean the fuel system to get it running again.
“golf cart starter motor won’t start”
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“why won’t my electric golf cart start”