If you notice your original golf cart cables are cracked or showing exposed wire during your usual inspections they should be replaced immediately.
If your connectors are showing signs of corrosion they should be cleaned and protected.
Resistance means heat:
Where ever there is resistance it will generate heat but also severely limit the performance of your golf carts electric system.
Even more so apparent on high performance systems when you would upgrade the motor/controller in your golf cart to provide more speed or torque.
In this case,you can use bigger diameter wires to handle the additional flow of voltage and amperage.
Cleaning up your battery:
Usually after removal of all cables and / or before we will clean the area and battery terminals.
Depending on how bad they are will determine the course of action. Usually we will hit them with a small wire brush and then spray off with a hose or pressure washer.
Water dilutes battery acid and a good time to clean out the battery hold on your golf cart to curb corrosion damage. Also nicer to work in a clean area…
After that we will spray a corrosion preventative on all the battery terminals, let sit for a few minutes and proceed to attach new battery cables to all the batteries in question. Being sure to attach with a SS nut and SS Lock Washer on every connection to make sure they do not corrode or come loose over time.
Remember – resistance generates heat! A loose wire under a load (such as you holding the gas pedal to the floor for a few minutes) will cause a battery connector to melt straight through to the plastic battery case, which will require a battery replacement or repair.
Both can be expensive! Preventive maintenance is always the best approach to vehicle ownership.
Ratchet it up:
Once you have connected all the batteries again with the new battery cables, you should go back through each connection and double check it is snug (a good quarter turn with a ratchet on each will ensure success).
Then last but not least another round of spraying some Anti-Corrosive on the battery terminals to prevent corrosion build up.
“48 volt golf cart battery cables”
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