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How do I know if my golf cart drive clutch is bad?

If the cart is being driven on a smooth surface and it seems that the transmission is not smooth, it is evident that the problem lies within the clutch system.

If the cart is being driven up or down a hill and faces unusual transmission jerks, the issue also lies within the clutch system.

When the golf cart is started and it faces jerky movements while starting, the clutch system can be blamed for it. It may smoothen out afterwards, but because the jerky movements were present at the start, it means that the clutch needs to be looked at and could be faulty.

If the golf cart is being driven up a hill and the transmission shift is not smooth or if the acceleration and deceleration is erratic with uneven variations, the fault also lies in the clutch system. The primary and secondary clutch system has to be working in synchronization as a single unit.

Furthermore, both these components have to be in a good condition to ensure that any problem does not arise.

Any of the above issues could be attributed to a faulty clutch system, but there are other issues as well that come with the clutch.

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